SARscape Analytics Toolbox is a user-friendly collection of well defined workflows to process SAR data and obtain thematic and quantitative maps or point information.
Ideal for Educational purposes to get familiar with SAR technology, systems and techniques, it makes all-in-one workflows available that need a limited user supervision and perform data input validation before any processing to further help inexperienced users.
The workflows are:
SAR Change Detection creates a classification raster that identifies changes between two images by exploiting Amplitude and Coherent Change Detection.
SAR DEM Extraction creates a Digital Elevation Model based on interferometric data pair (Interferometric DEM).
SAR Displacement Mapping creates a displacement map (expressed in m) and the precision map by carrying out Differential Interferometry on a interferometric data pair.
SAR Flood Mapping creates a classification raster that shows flooded areas.
SAR Image Geocoding geocodes a SAR image.
SAR Persistent Scatterers creates a shapefile and a raster file that allow monitoring the temporal evolution of small surface deformations.
SAR Sentinel Multidownload allows performing a query and download Sentinel data from the ESA scientific Hub ( and from the Alaska SAR Facility – ASF – ( .
SAR Ship Detection allows detecting ships over water bodies derived by SAR images and match this information with the AIS (Automatic Identification System) information, if available.
SAR Time Series creates geocoded multi-temporal statistics from intensity images to detect and extract structures or temporal changes, that can be used for segmentation and/or classification purposes.
Management and Refinement tools are available for setting or refine parameters.
SARscape Analytics Toolbox is available under ENVI and ArcGIS Pro platforms and it is distributed by NV5 GEOSPATIAL SOFTWARE.
7th , April 2022